Earth Charter US invites
you join with us to make the Earth Charter real in the lives of
people, and in government policies and organizational practices
across the United States.
Over 10,000 individuals and organizations in the United States have endorsed the Earth Charter
and joined Earth Charter US. And many more are working to
create a just, sustainable and peaceful future for the community of
life on Earth.
Organize Earth Charter activities in your area - We are currently developing this website
to host Earth Charter US Community Organizers where you and others can join together in strengthening the Earth Charter movement. You can find resources, join in the discussion of the rewards and challenges of organizing locally, and share insights and questions.
Tap into Earth Charter resources. Over the past 15 years, the Earth
Charter Initiative has clarified what sustainable development really
requires in our lifestyle choices, organizational practices, and
governance structures.Check out our resource page here and be sure to bookmark it because we will be adding more this coming year!
Join the network of ECUS advisers. We are reaching out to involve Earth Charter leaders in shaping our programs and organization.
We want to hear from you what additional projects or resources you would want from us to make your job of promoting the Earth Charter easier. We are open to all suggestions Please contact us at
[email protected].
We look forward to working with you in strengthening the Earth Charter’s contribution to a “time remembered for an awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability,
the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life”.