A Voter�s Guide based on the Earth Charter |
This Voter’s Guide was prepared by Earth Charter Indiana & Kat Gjovik in Seattle for League of Earth Charter Voters We choose our future every day. As citizens we have an important opportunity & responsibility to help shape our future by casting informed votes in local, state & national elections.
Questions to Ask Your Candidates Candidate’s position What are his/her basic values and beliefs regarding issues that are important to you? What are his/her priorities? His/her “world view?” What life experiences and hopes for the future have informed his/her position on important issues? Candidate’s leadership record What is his/her voting record related to the environment, social & economic justice, peace, nonviolence & democracy? What legislation has he/she initiated or sponsored? What specifically has he/she accomplished? Candidate’s plans What new & innovative ideas does the candidate bring to the table? How will he/she ensure that people’s voices will be invited & honored? How will he/she integrate social, environmental & economic principles in policy & procedure? Earth Charter Principles and Current Issues Respect and Care for the Community of Life -
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