SBA Winner DLA Piper combats politically-motivated sexual violence in Zimbabwe
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 20:36
Two weeks ago, we celebrated the work of 18 Tampa-area businesses who support the vision of the Earth Charter through their commitment to people and planet, in addition to profit in their business practices. Today, we learned about the Zimbabwean Women's Rights Project that one of our recent winners, DLA Piper, is involved in.
First, some background. Around the time of the 2008 presidential elections in Zimbabwe, a number of Zimbabwean women were victims of torture and sexual abuse at the hands of the youth militia of the ruling party, ZANU-PF, as a result of their expressed or perceived support of the opposition party. Over the last year, DLA Piper lawyers have been working with the organization AIDS-Free World, under their partner non-profit, New Perimeter, to document, publicize, and address politically-motivated abuses against Zimbabwean women.
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Obama to announce energy efficiency program "Cash for Caulkers" today
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 16:07

In an effort to promote energy efficiency and create green-collar jobs, President Obama will unveil a new program today that would provide $6 billion in rebates to homeowners making efficiency improvements. Called the Homestar energy program, the initiative is widely referred to as "Cash for Caulkers" and would allow consumers to collect rebates of more than $1,000 for purchases of energy efficiency equipment.
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Sustainable Design: Vancouver's Richmond Olympic Oval
Monday, 01 March 2010 16:54

From the design of the facilities to the composition of the medals, the Vancouver Winter Olympics have made sustainability a central characteristic of the 2010 competition. The keystone of sustainabilty in the Olympic complex is the Richmond Olympic Oval, designed to qualify for LEED Silver certification.
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Case Studies: 2010 ECUS Sustainable Business Award Winners
Friday, 26 February 2010 20:08
The Sustainable Business Award winners were chosen by MBA students at the University of Tampa's John H. Sykes College of Business in a class project for the course “Sustainability: the Triple Bottom Line.” The winners were chosen from a field of 32 nominees. Nominees were judged on social, environmental and financial performance. The criteria for the awards were developed using sample sustainability metrics including the Global Reporting Initiatives, Sustainable Seattle, Sustainable Florida and the U.N. Global Compact.
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Report uncovers disparities between image and reality in corporate sustainability
Thursday, 25 February 2010 22:47
A report recently released by Maddock Douglas shows that there is often a disparity between the sustainability efforts of a company and their public image, and that the knife can cut both ways to exaggerate or under-rate a company's impact.
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